Weather & Climate

Current & Forecast Weather


Daytime Maximum Temperatures

This chart shows the monthly average maximum temperatures for Curlew Retreat compared with Brisbane. Curlew Retreat is generally 5° - 6° cooler.

Most of the time, even in summer, it is cool enough to need a jumper. And in winter you really need to  be rugged up

Nighttime Minimum Temperatures

This chart shows the monthly average minimum temperatures for Curlew Retreat compared with  Brisbane. Curlew Retreat is generally 5° - 9° degrees cooler, with the biggest differences in winter. The coldest mornings get down to -8° . The villa is very well insulated to keep you warm. And there’s a fire to  make it warm and cozy inside.

Curlew Escape Sail Logo


399 Wylie Creek Road, Maryland NSW 4377

© 2023 Luck Family Holdings Pty Ltd